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Glenn Echo / Nicomo / Lea Thomas

Glenn Echo

Back in 2015, Matt Gaydar decided to put his best foot forward under the moniker Glenn Echo, a nod to the street he grew up on. After studying classical composition in college, he learned to appreciate the use of orchestral instruments within indie rock and experimental music. He then left town to live in Nashville, TN and Northampton, MA for a handful of years where he began reimagining his song sketches as something much bigger. Ultimately teaming up with engineer/producer Peter Brownlee to record an album out in 2021 called Fixed Memory.


Lea Thomas

“One hand on the wheel- honey can we stay so free?” The lush opener of Lea Thomas’s latest, Mirrors to the Sun, unfolds with shimmering guitar arrangements and a soft chorus of horns. Her voice is unwavering-- wide-eyed yet at ease, ready to meet all that lies ahead.

Blending personal narrative with universal observations of both the mundane and mystical, Thomas “creates worlds with her words” (American Songwriter). Seamlessly shifting between focused calm and propulsive explorations, the Hawaii-born, Hudson Valley-based songwriter guides her band with intention, conjuring whispers of each season within her dynamic reflections on transformation and self-discovery.

Her songs have been called “hypnotic” and “empowering” and garnered praise from NPR’s All Songs Considered, The Guardian, and more.



Nicomo is a shot in the dark parallel park, a hole-in-one-in-a-million, needle in a full-stack flapjack of syrupy vocal lines and buttery fingerpicky guitar. Songs on your shoulder, impressionistic folk and strolling waves, shadows and conversations misunderstood. Nicomo is the songwriting project of Nico Osborne, Brooklyn-based musician and sound artist. Antiquated Future Records calls their first EP Views “An early-morning hangout album meets complex after-dark mood music.” Nicomo is working on an LP now, exploring brighter colors and tighter turns.